Stefano Nobile  has lived and worked in Italy and Peru, establishing himself as one of the most renowned photography instructors at the prestigious Faculty of Communication and Photography of UPC University in Lima and at celebrated art institutes. His experience and talent have led him to become a keynote speaker at prestigious international conferences such as "Fovitech Peru" and "SEFOBQ Colombia." His photography projects have gained prominence in the most important art galleries in South America, and his photographs have been published in numerous specialized magazines. Stefano Nobile is synonymous with excellence and innovation in the world of photography.


Stefano Nobile ha vivido y trabajado en Italia y Perú, consolidándose como uno de los más renombrados docentes de fotografía en la prestigiosa Facultad de Comunicación y Fotografía de la Universidad UPC de Lima y en reconocidos institutos de arte. Su experiencia y talento lo han llevado a ser un ponente destacado en prestigiosos congresos internacionales como "Fovitech Perú" y "SEFOBQ Colombia". Sus proyectos fotográficos han ocupado espacios importantes en las más destacadas galerías de arte de Sudamérica, y sus fotografías han sido publicadas en numerosas revistas especializadas. Stefano Nobile es sinónimo de excelencia e innovación en el mundo de la fotografía.


 Stefano Nobile  ha vissuto e lavorato in Italia e in Perù, affermandosi come uno dei più rinomati docenti di fotografia presso la prestigiosa Facoltà di Comunicazione e Fotografia dell'Università UPC di Lima e presso celebri istituti d'arte. La sua esperienza e il suo talento lo hanno portato a essere un relatore di punta a convegni internazionali di prestigio come "Fovitech Perù" e "SEFOBQ Colombia". I suoi progetti fotografici hanno conquistato spazi di rilievo nelle più importanti gallerie d'arte del Sudamerica, e le sue fotografie sono state pubblicate su numerose riviste specializzate. Stefano Nobile è sinonimo di eccellenza e innovazione nel mondo della fotografia.




Fashion magazine Publishing “DeLuxe Magazine” August and September 2015

Fashion Magazine “Switch Magazine” Italy – July 2015

Fashion Magazine “Switch Magazine” Italy – June 2015

Fashion Magazine “Switch Magazine” Italy – February 2015

Magazine “I Think Magazine” (Magazine Cultural Association) – September 2013

Web “Cada Dia Un Fotógrafo” – November 2013

Magazine “ I THINK MAGAZINE” (Magazine Cultural Association) – November 2012

Web Magazine “FOTOGRAFÍA NOW” – July 2012

Web “Foto Up” (The first magazine online of journalism photo) – year 2012

Web “Fashion & Look” January 2012

Web “DISCORSI FOTOGRAFICI” (Podcast Photography) – December 2011

Web “REPORTNET” (Portal de MODA) – December 2011

Magazine “FOTOGRAFARE” (Magazine of Phootgraphy No 1 Of Italy) - October 2011

Magazine “TUTTO DIGITALE” – June 2011

Magazine Nikon Italy “SGUARDI ONLINE” - November 2011

Web “CSN7 NEWS” – September 2010

Web “ CON LA FOTOGRAFÍA” – May 2008


Photographic Master Class “PORTRAIT” - Lima PERU 2020

Photographic Master Class “Mes Fotografía Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC” - Lima PERU 2018

Photographic Master Class “FOTOIMAGE - El Retrato de Autor” - Lima PERU 2017

Photographic Master Class “Mes Fotografía Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC” - Lima PERU 2016

Glamour and Fashion Photographer "Week international convention FOVITECH” - Lima PERU 2016

Photographic Workshop "Semana Fotografia Colombia" - Barranquilla COLOMBIA 2016

Photographic Workshop SoHo “Glamour y Desnudo” - Lima PERU 2016

Photographic Workshop “Técnicas Iluminación Flashes Strobist” - Lima PERU 2016

Glamour and Fashion Photographer “Semana Fotografía Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC” - Lima PERU 2015

Photographic Workshop "Week international convention FOVITECH” - Lima PERU 2015

Photographic Workshop "Asociacion Lucani ITALIA" - Lima Peru 2015

Photographic Workshop “Fashion & Glamour” - Lima PERU 2014

Photographic Workshop Glamour” IPAD Peruvian Institute Of Art And Design" - Lima PERU 2013

Photographic Workshop "Portrait" - Italy 2012

Photographic Workshop "Glamour" - Italy 2011

Photographic Workshop "Fashion" - Italy 2010